If you are in danger call 000

Call Mary’s House Services on 1800 002 111

Call 24hr NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14

Helen Conway

Helen Conway Chair of the Board Helen Conway is an experienced leader, director, senior executive and lawyer who has worked in a range of organisations in the commercial, public and not-for-profit sectors. Helen spent 10 years in private legal practice, including 7 years as a partner in a major law firm in Sydney, and then […]

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Claire Cooper

Claire Cooper Board Director Claire Cooper became involved with Mary’s House in March 2016, as part of the team recruiting and managing volunteers. She also headed a committee tasked with raising awareness of domestic violence among schools in the local community. Claire has a degree in law from Southampton University, England and practised as a […]

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Josh Dowton

Josh Dowton Board Director Josh has been a friend of Mary’s House since 2016, and brings to the Board a wealth of experience in community engagement, partnership brokering, transformational community development, adult education, and local church ministry. He has a passion for systems thinking, strategic planning, and organisational health. Josh was one of the founding […]

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Dr David Scott

Dr David Scott Deputy Chair of the Board David is an experienced not-for-profit director with diverse skills in leadership, corporate governance, financial analysis, mergers and acquisitions, strategy, research, and social policy. He has over ten years of experience as a not-for-profit non-executive director and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors (FAICD). […]

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Karen Bevan

Karen Bevan Board Director Karen has 30 years’ experience working across government, research institutions and not for profit organisations in roles including executive leadership, strategy, operational leadership, policy analysis, research, training, service delivery and community development. Through her experience she brings together a deep understanding of community services practice (particularly domestic and family violence, child […]

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