If you are in danger call 000

Call Mary’s House Services on 1800 002 111

Call 24hr NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14

Are you a victim of tech-abuse?

If you are worried that you may be a victim of tech-abuse Mary’s House Services can help. Mary’s House has enlisted a father and son security team to run security sweeps of houses, cars and electronic devices for victims of domestic and family violence. Stephen and Tristan Wilson, from Protective Group, also give advice on […]

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Jokes about domestic violence do harm

Why is it that racist and homophobic jokes are no longer tolerated, but humour that demeans women and makes light of violence is normalised? A real estate agent in regional NSW was criticised recently for advertising a house with a quip about the property’s large back yard having, ‘plenty of space to bury a body.’ […]

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The Horrific Choice Between Poverty and Abuse

Women and their children are being forced to go back to violent partners because they can’t find a home or afford to feed themselves and their children. In a wealthy country like Australia, this is unacceptable. As part of the 16 Days of Activism organised by the United Nations to help prevent and eliminate violence […]

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Listen to our Podcast!

Recently North Shore Mums‘ ‘The Parenting Couch’ creators sat down with Mary’s House Services’ very own Fundraising & Engagement Manager, Jacquie Murray and former Case Worker now Service Manager Courtney Parsons to talk about the realities and prevalence of domestic abuse. .

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