If you are in danger call 000

Call Mary’s House Services on 1800 002 111

Call 24hr NSW Domestic Violence Line on 1800 65 64 63

Call Lifeline on 13 11 14

Karen Bevan

Board Director

Karen has 30 years’ experience working across government, research institutions and not for profit organisations in roles including executive leadership, strategy, operational leadership, policy analysis, research, training, service delivery and community development.

Through her experience she brings together a deep understanding of community services practice (particularly domestic and family violence, child protection, early childhood development, family support and out of home care), public policy, legislation and research to drive practice and strategy, systemic change and public policy development. She has deep experience working with all levels of government, community and NGO stakeholders to support strategy development and implementation. Karen has worked extensively in community engagement with diverse communities.

Karen has been a volunteer mentor with women who have experienced domestic and family violence seeking employment and is committed to improving the pathways and experiences of women and children fleeing domestic violence.

In addition to her Board role with Mary’s House Services, Karen is a member of the Youth Law Australia Board and a consultant and leadership coach for community services.